How Hacker’s Track anyone location with the use of Linux Tool called "seeker" .

Prabal Jaat
6 min readOct 25, 2021


Do not try this on someone without their consent. If you want to get your hands dirty, then just try it on yourself at the end of the day. It's your intent. That matters what you decide to do with the knowledge you acquire. So be responsible, do not do anything bad or illegal. Now. Usually when you hear someone talking about tracking location of someone on the internet you think about IP address and IP address in the most simplest terms is your location on the internet. It is where internet apps. And find you on the internet and can communicate with you. And that is how you are able to access the web sites or different internet services. If someone has your IP address, they can map it to a physical location where it is originating from and can potentially end up finding your actual location on the globe. But this is not always the case internet service providers, provide your connection to the internet behind a network address translation device. Or, in other words, Nat. This means that you share the same IP address with People other people and when you try to map your IP address into its physical location, you end up getting the location of your ISP and not your actual location. So there must be a more efficient way of getting someone's location on the internet and there is it's called GPS or global positioning system. So basically how it works is that your location can be retrieved by using satellites. That's right satellites. Here's the thing in order for GPS to work. There must be a GPS component.

Installed on your device. If you are using a smartphone like any smart phone in there will definitely be a GPS component already integrated in your smartphone, but that's not always the case with a laptop or a PC. Some laptops have GPS hardware and some simply do not so the trick I'm going to show you in this writer Up works best with smartphones. So we're going to use a tool called "Seeker". Basically, what it's going to do is it serves a fake page that requests for location access and and if the location access If permission is granted and the target device has GPS, that we will be able to get the exact latitude and longitude position of that particular tablet device. This tool only works on Linux. So if you're on Windows, you have two options. The first option is to use doc of a desktop and pull the docker image of this tool and use it without any issues. The second option you have is to use Windows subsystem for Linux or WSL was shot and install LED strobe that you like in order to install WSL on your pc.

Just go to settings apps, programs and features turn Windows features on or off scroll down and enable windows subsystem for Linux and then restart your PC. Now, go to the Microsoft Store and search for any Linux, distro of your choice and install it. I will be using Ubuntu in this video. Once the installation is complete, you should be able to use a Linux. Distro, as a Windows app, open it, and you will see a terminal like, this finish setting up your distro, by choosing the username. And Basement. You can also use your Linux. Distro directly from Windows Termini. Just click on the down arrow and choose the destroy. You want to use the reason why I use it with Windows terminal is because it's easier to open new tabs. Anyway, now simply clone the tool from GitHub. The link will be in the description below or you can even alternatively download the code as a zip file and then extracted now simply CD into the source code directory and then run installed or S8 script with sudo privileges and that's it. All the requirements for the tool .

The current are now installed now to start this grape, just type python. Seeker dot Pi space - dspace manual. Now, you can see different templates that you can choose from. These are basically the different type of fake pages that are used to lure the victim. You can choose any template you like. But also the Google Drive template and it asks me for a Google drive file URL. So, I just give it a URL of a sample file stored on my Google Drive. And then it says, Is PHP server status, success. Now? This will start a local HTTP server that can only be accessed inside your network. In order to make it accessible over the internet. Will use a tool called ends Iraq, go to a zero, got calm and download NG Rock for Linux using W, get unzip it and then run this command and Xerox, space HTTP space. 8080. This will create a tunnel from your Local Host port 8080 to the edgy Rock servers and you will provide

With energy, Rock dot IO URL. Anyone on the internet, access your fake page, so I will open this link in my smartphone and let's see what happens. As you can see, it shows a web page that says you need permissions to access the file shared on Google Drive and if you click request access it prompts for location access permission. Once I click allow', My GPS coordinates are sent back to the Seekers grip that is running on my Linux distro. So if I go back to my terminal I can see the latitude and longitude information. And also a Google Maps link, which if you open, we locate the target device on Google Maps based on the GPS coordinates that are retrieved. Using the fake Google Drive page. The location is accurate to approximately 30 meters of the actual physical location of the target, which is really close, right?

Let’s install the tool from GitHub :-


Kali Linux / Ubuntu / Parrot OS
git clone
cd seeker/
apt update
apt install python3 python3-pip php
pip3 install requests

Usage :-

python3 -h usage: [-h] [-s SUBDOMAIN] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -k KML, --kml Provide KML Filename ( Optional ) -p PORT, --port Port for Web Server [ Default : 8080 ] -t TUNNEL, --tunnel Specify Tunnel Mode [ Available : manual ] ################## # Usage Examples # ################## # Step 1 : In first terminal $ python3 -t manual # Step 2 : In second terminal start a tunnel service such as ngrok $ ./ngrok http 8080 ########### # Options # ########### # Ouput KML File for Google Earth $ python3 -t manual -k <filename> # Use Custom Port $ python3 -t manual -p 1337 $ ./ngrok http 1337 ################ # Docker Usage # ################ # Step 1 $ docker network create ngroknet # Step 2 $ docker run --rm -it --net ngroknet --name seeker thewhiteh4t/seeker # Step 3 $ docker run --rm -it --net ngroknet --name ngrok wernight/ngrok ngrok http seeker:8080

Note :- This write-up only for a educational purposes if you’re make any cybercrime with the use of this i am not responsible -

And that will be all for this Write-up. Thanks for reading. I hope you like this write up. If you did like it, please don't forget to leave a thumbs up below. And also if you have any feedback or if it does, make sure you comment.

On in the comment section below. I'll try to go through all your comments and reply as soon as I can. So thanks for reading. Once again, I'll see you in the next write up Until Then, cheers.

Regards by Prabal Jaat

For more Tool follow my Page on instagram


Thanks for reading….



Prabal Jaat
Prabal Jaat

Written by Prabal Jaat

Let's Made Technology Fun #again | Cyber Security Researcher

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