Top 7 Ethical Hacking and cybersecurity courses [ Free ]
I am very happy to share that at present some cyber security courses are available for you on the internet absolutely free, which you can enroll for free to improve your studies and skills to make more informative and useful.
1) Penetration testing course :-
A penetration test, also called a pen test or ethical hacking, is a cybersecurity technique organizations use to identify, test and highlight vulnerabilities in their security posture. These penetration tests are often carried out by ethical hackers. These in-house employees or third parties mimic the strategies and actions of an attacker in order to evaluate the hackability of an organization's computer systems, network or web applications. Organizations can also use pen testing to test their adherence to compliance regulations.
Ethical hackers are information technology (IT) experts who use hacking methods to help companies identify possible entry points into their infrastructure. By using different methodologies, tools and approaches, companies can perform simulated cyber attacks to test the strengths and weaknesses of their existing security systems. Penetration, in this case, refers to the degree to which a hypothetical threat actor, or hacker, can penetrate an organization's cybersecurity measures and protocols.
There are three main pen testing strategies, each offering pen testers a certain level of information they need to carry out their attack. For example, white box testing provides the tester all of the details about an organization's system or target network; black box testing provides the tester no knowledge of the system; and gray box penetration testing provides the tester partial knowledge of the system.
2) Fundamentals of computer hacking :-
Ethical Hacking identifies the vulnerabilities or weaknesses in a computer system or a network and devises a strategy for protecting those vulnerabilities. In this article, we will cover all the basic concepts related to Ethical Hacking.
Hacking is a process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in computer and network systems to gain access to these systems. Password cracking is a type of hacking used to gain access to the system. Hacking is a fraudulent act that allows criminals to invade a system, steal personal data, or perform fraud in any manner via digital devices.
3) SQL injection attack :-
SQL injection is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to interfere with the queries that an application makes to its database. It generally allows an attacker to view data that they are not normally able to retrieve. This might include data belonging to other users, or any other data that the application itself is able to access. In many cases, an attacker can modify or delete this data, causing persistent changes to the application's content or behavior.
In some situations, an attacker can escalate an SQL injection attack to compromise the underlying server or other back-end infrastructure, or perform a denial-of-service attack.
4) Security analyst :-
The security analyst plays a vital role in keeping an organization’s proprietary and sensitive information secure. He/she works inter-departmentally to identify and correct flaws in the company’s security systems, solutions, and programs while recommending specific measures that can improve the company’s overall security posture.
5) Fundamentals of Android hacking :-
There's a big difference between hackers (people who like to experiment with computer systems to make them do unintended things) and attackers (criminals who exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems to gain access to data or processes).
In this article, we'll cover the basics of hacking on Google's widely used Android system.
Introduction to Android Hacking
Since its release in 2008, adoption of Android has soared, and it is now by far the most common mobile operating system.
The reasons for Android's success are tied to its release as open source software, which allows application developers much better insight into its inner workings. The robust set of applications and extensions to Android translates to Android appearing on many different types of hardware.
In fact, Android has been so successful that it already captures more than 80% of the market share for mobile operating systems, with that number expected to climb to nearly 90% by 2022, according to Statista.
The same openness that makes Android appealing to mobile developers also makes it attractive to hackers. The open platform makes it easy to hack on. Of course, while most hackers simply enjoy experimenting with hardware and software, there are always going to be attackers who seek to exploit vulnerabilities. Download our free secure coding handbook to make sure your Android applications aren’t vulnerable to common exploits.
6) Learn ethical hacking and pen testing online :-
Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Online Courses is self paced online learning course with LTTS ( Long Term Trainer Support) aimed to train students who want to make career as Ethical Hacker ( Professional Penetration Tester). This course starts from absolute beginning with minimum requirement of having hands on Computing Systems, rest the course will guide you thru all that is required to make you Proficient in this domain..
7) Basic kali lunix :-
Operating System is the main system software which is responsible for the flawless working of the machine. Some Operating Systems are designed for some specific purposes. Though we could use them for anything we want to, but they have some special tools or services available feasibly to its users which makes it a good OS for the specific purpose. Like we generally prefer Windows in case of gaming as most of the games are available for windows itself. Likewise, we prefer mac OS for designing related purposes as most of the designing software is easily available for mac and can be used flawlessly. In the same way when we have an OS for Network Security, Digital Forensics, Penetration testing, or Ethical Hacking named Kali Linux.
Regards by Rocky Jaat ⭐
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